Climate, Technology, and Society Lectures
Spring 2021
1. Introduction: What do we mean by “technology”?
12 January 2021
Lecture: Nature, Technology, Society
2. Anthropocene, Great Acceleration, Planetary Boundaries
19 January 2021
Lecture: Rates of Change
3. Global Warming: From Denial to Adaptation
26 January 2021
Lecture: Postwar, c. 1950 (C02 = 310ppm, est.)
4. Climate Change and Profit
2 February 2021
Lecture: Monumentality, c.1960 (C02 = 316ppm)67-92.
5. The Technopolitics of Extraction
9 February 2021
Lecture: Institutions, c.1970 (C02 = 325ppm)
6. Soil and Sovereignty
16 February 2021
Lecture: Agriculture, c.1980 (C02 = 338ppm)
7. Oil and Power
23 February 2021
Lecture: Oil, c.1990 (C02 = 353ppm)
8. Uneven Geographies
9 March 2021
Lecture: Gas, c.2000 (C02 = 368ppm)
9. Refusing Resilience
16 March 2021
Lecture: Coal, c.2010 (C02 = 388ppm)
10. Tragedy of the Commons?
23 March 2021
Lecture: Crisis, c.2020 (C02 = 415ppm)