“Reinhold Martin,” interview with Michael Schapira, Full Stop, 21 September 2021
“How Do We Learn What We Know?” interview with Eve Glasberg, Columbia News, 31 March 2021
“L’architecture à l’heure du numérique, des algorithmes au projet, Un débat entre Martin Bressani, Mario Carpo, Reinhold Martin et Theodora Vardouli, mené par Antoine Picon,” Perspective (2019, no. 2)
“On Infrastructure,” interview with Pedro Correa and José Lemaitre, ARQ Santiago 99 (August 2018)
“What Architects Do Is Boring: A Conversation with Reinhold Martin,” with Shayari de Silva, Dante Furioso, Samantha Jaff, Perspecta 51 (2018)
“Material Networks: Architecture, Computers, and Corporations,” interview with Nathalie Bredella and Carolin Höfler, arq 21, no. 1 (2017)
“Do Media Determine Our Situation? Reflections on the Transatlantic Reception of Friedrich Kittler,” interview with Isabelle Graw and André Rottmann, Texte zur Kunst 98 (June 2015)
“Feedback Loops: Christa Kamleithner, Roland Meyer and Julia Weber in discussion with Reinhold Martin and Meredith TenHoor,” Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft, Spring 2015
"Utopia: An Interview with Reinhold Martin," with Inderbir Riar Singh, Journal of Architectural Education 67, no. 1 (March 2013)
“Conjuring Utopia’s Ghost,” interview with Jonathan Crisman, Thresholds 40, 2012
“Arche / An-arche: Reinhold Martin in a Conversation with Brian McCarthy and Jesal Kapadia,” Rethinking Marxism 24, No. 2 (2012)
“Interview with Reinhold Martin: Utopia’s Ghost,” with Lee Stickells and Charles Rice, Architectural Theory Review 15, No. 3, 2010